52. Centeno-Mesa, N., Lombana-Toro, O., Correa-Aguirre, J. P. &
Hidalgo-Salazar, M. A. Effect of fique fibers and its processing
by-products on morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy based
biocomposites. Sci. Reports 2022 121 12, 1–11
51. Gálvez, J.; Correa Aguirre, J.P.; Hidalgo Salazar, M.A.;
Mondragón, B.V.; Wagner, E.; Caicedo, C. Effect of extrusion screw speed and plasticizer proportions on the rheological, thermal, mechanical, morphological and superficial properties of PLA. Polymers (Basel). 2020, 12,
50. Hidalgo-Salazar, M.A.; Correa-Aguirre, J.P.;
García-Navarro, S.; Roca-Blay, L. Injection Molding of Coir Coconut Fiber Reinforced Polyolefin Blends: Mechanical, Viscoelastic, Thermal Behavior and Three-Dimensional Microscopy Study. Polymers (Basel). 2020, 12, 1507,
49. Mercado Rivera, F.J.; Rojas Arciniegas, A.J. Additive manufacturing methods: techniques, materials, and closed-loop control applications. Int. J. Adv.
Manuf. Technol. 2020, 109, 17–31, doi:10.1007/s00170-020-05663-6.
47.Hidalgo-Salazar, M.A., and Salinas E. (2019). “Mechanical, Thermal, ViscoelasticPerformance and Product Application of PP- Rice Husk Colombian Biocomposites.” Composites Part B: Engineering. Elsevier, 176, pp. 107-135. doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2019.107135
46. Correa, J. P., Montalvo-Navarrete, J. M. and Hidalgo-Salazar, M. A. (2019) ‘Carbon footprint considerations for biocomposite materials for sustainable products: A review’, Journal of Cleaner Production. Elsevier, 208, pp. 785–794. doi: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2018.10.099.
45. Hidalgo-Salazar, M. A., Rios, D., Correa, J. P., & Rojas Arciniegas, A. J. (2018). “Influence of thermal treatment on the mechanical properties of thermoplastic composites obtained by large-format 3D printing process”. Paper presented at the Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings
44. Muñoz-Vélez,
M. et al. (2018) ‘Effect of Content and Surface Modificationof Fique Fibers on the Properties of a Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)-Al/FiqueComposite’, Polymers. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing
Institute, 10(10), p. 1050. doi: 10.3390/polym10101050.
43. Nuñez, E. E.,
Gheisari, R. and Polycarpou, A. A. (2019) ‘Tribology review of blended bulkpolymers and their coatings for high-load bearing applications’, Tribology
International. Elsevier, 129, pp. 92–111. doi:
42. Hidalgo-Salazar,
M. A. and Correa, J. P. (2018) ‘Mechanical and thermal properties ofbiocomposites from nonwoven industrial Fique fiber mats with Epoxy Resin andLinear Low Density Polyethylene’, Results in Physics. Elsevier, 8, pp.
461–467. doi: 10.1016/J.RINP.2017.12.025.
41. Montalvo Navarrete, J. I. et al. (2018) ‘Thermal and mechanical behavior of biocomposites using additivemanufacturing’, International Journal on Interactive Design and
Manufacturing (IJIDeM). Springer Paris, 12(2), pp. 449–458. doi:
40. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J., Esterman, M. and Cockburn, J. C. (2015) ‘Toward the Control of the EP3D Printed Surface’, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 137(2), p. 021012. doi: 10.1115/1.4029184.
40. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J., Esterman, M. and Cockburn, J. C. (2015) ‘Toward the Control of the EP3D Printed Surface’, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 137(2), p. 021012. doi: 10.1115/1.4029184.
39. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J. and Amaya Hurtado, J. C. (2015) ‘Development of a Supervision System: Towards Closing the Control Loop in 3D Printing Systems’.IEEE 2nd Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC). DOI: 10.1109/CCAC.2015.7345179
38. Emerson Escobar Nuñez; Miguel Angel Hidalgo Salazar; "A Green Manufacturing Approach by Using a Low DensityPolyethylene-Aluminum based Composite", Virtual Concept International Workshop (VC-IW’14) “Innovation on Product Design and Manufacturing”. Medellín, Colombia.
37. Miguel A. Hidalgo-Salazar, Mario F. Muñoz, and José H. Mina, (2015), "Influence of Incorporation of Natural Fibers on the Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Composites LDPE-Al Reinforced with Fique Fibers", International Journal of Polymer Science, Article ID 386325.
36. Escobar, E. (2015), "Wear Study of Metallic Interfaces for Air-ConditioningCompressors Under Submerged Lubrication in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide, " Wear, 326-327, pp 28-35.
35. Escobar, E. N, Polycarpou, A. A., (2015), " The Effect of Surface Roughness on theTransfer of Polymer Films under Unlubricated Testing Conditions," Wear, 326-327, pp 74-83.
34. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J. and Esterman, M. (2014) ‘Exploring Surface Defects on EP-based 3D-Printed Structures’, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 58(2), pp. 205061–2050612. doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2014.58.2.020506.
22. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J. and Kim, H. M. (2011)
33. Optimal component sharing in a product family by simultaneous consideration of minimum description length and impact metric’, Engineering Optimization. Taylor & Francis , 43(2), pp. 175–192. doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2010.486032.
22. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J. and Kim, H. M. (2011)
33. Optimal component sharing in a product family by simultaneous consideration of minimum description length and impact metric’, Engineering Optimization. Taylor & Francis , 43(2), pp. 175–192. doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2010.486032.
32. Escobar, E. N, (2014), "Plain strain sliding approach of recycled polymer coatings by using the finite element method", SMEC 2014-SIMPOSIO NACIONAL EN MECÁNICA DE MATERIALES Y ESTRUCTURAS CONTINUAS: EXPERIMENTACIÓN, MODELADO NUMÉRICO Y TEÓRICO 2014-09-24, en Bogotá -Universidad de los Andes
31.DESARROLLO Y CARACTERIZACIÓN FISICOQUÍMICA Y MECÁNICA DE UN MATERIAL COMPUESTO DE MATRIZ LDPE/PP REFORZADA CON POLVO DE MADERA, Revista Colombiana de Materiales N. 5 pp. 193-200 Edición Especial Artículos Cortos 193 Daniel S. Vásquez , Miguel A. Hidalgo José H. Mina,núm. 5 (2014)
30 .FIBRAS DE FIQUE UNA ALTERNATIVA PARA EL REFORZAMIENTO DE PLÁSTICOS. INFLUENCIA DE LA MODIFICACIÓN SUPERFICIAL. Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Universidad del Cauca. MARIO FERNANDO MUÑOZ-VELEZ, MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO-SALAZA2R, JOSE HERMINSUL MINA-HERNANDEZ, Vol 12 No. 2 Julio - Diciembre 2014.
29. JUN QUI, EMERSON ESCOBAR NUNEZ, ANDREAS A. POLYCARPOU, JAMES ECONOMY "Tribological studies of aromatic thermosetting polyester containing carbon nanotubes for artificial joints," (2014), Wear. Autores: ; Modelamiento y análisis por elementos finitos del eje para un agitador industrial.
29. JUN QUI, EMERSON ESCOBAR NUNEZ, ANDREAS A. POLYCARPOU, JAMES ECONOMY "Tribological studies of aromatic thermosetting polyester containing carbon nanotubes for artificial joints," (2014), Wear. Autores: ; Modelamiento y análisis por elementos finitos del eje para un agitador industrial.
28. POSIBILIDADES DE FABRICACIÓN CON EL POLIETILENO ALUMINIO OBTENIDO DEL RECICLAJE DE ENVASES MULTICAPAS, Miguel A. Hidalgo Salazar, Fernando Luiz Neves, Eduardo Baena; Informador Tecnico. Sena Astin, vol.77, núm. 2 (2013).
26. The effect of interfacial adhesion on the creepbehaviour of LDPE Al Fique composite materials. Composites Part B-Engineering (2013) ISSN: 1359-8368, 2013 vol:55B fasc: N/A págs: 345 – 351; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, JOSE HERMINSUL MINA HERNANDEZ, PEDRO JESUS HERRERA FRANCO.
24. Mechanical analysis of polyethylene aluminum composite reinforced with short fique fibers available a in two-dimensional arrangement; Venezuela, Revista Latinoamericana De Metalurgia Y Materiales ISSN: 0255-6952, 2012 vol:31 fasc: 1 págs: 89 - 95; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, MARIO FERNANDO MUNOZ VELEZ, KAREN JOHANNA QUINTANA CUELLAR.
26. The effect of interfacial adhesion on the creepbehaviour of LDPE Al Fique composite materials. Composites Part B-Engineering (2013) ISSN: 1359-8368, 2013 vol:55B fasc: N/A págs: 345 – 351; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, JOSE HERMINSUL MINA HERNANDEZ, PEDRO JESUS HERRERA FRANCO.
25. Compuestos laminados de matriz polimérica reforzados con fibras naturales: comportamiento mecánico; Colombia, Scientia Et Technica ISSN: 0122-1701, 2012 vol:17 fasc: 51 págs: 51 – 59; Autores: HELVER MAURICIO BARRERA CARDENAS, MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, JOSE HERMINSUL MINA HERNANDEZ.
23. Rojas Arciniegas, A. J. and Kim, H. M. (2012) ‘Incorporating security considerations into optimal product architecture and component sharing decision in product family design’, Engineering Optimization. Taylor & Francis , 44(1), pp. 55–74. doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2011.561842.
19. Escobar, E. N., Yeo, S-M., Polychronopoulu, K., Polycarpou, A. A., (2011), "Tribological Study of High Bearing Blended Polymer-Based Coatings for Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Compressors," Surface and Coating Technology, Vol. 205, pp 2294-3005.
18. Tim A. Osswald, Juan Pablo Hernández, Miguel Hidalgo, Natalie Rudolph, and Katerina Sánchez, "VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF LIQUID SILICONE RUBBER”, Silicone Elastomers 2011, December 6-7, 2011 – Chicago, IL USA.
17. Mechanical behavior of polyethylene aluminum composite reinforced with continuous agro fique fibers; Venezuela, Revista Latinoamericana De Metalurgia Y Materiales ISSN: 0255-6952, 2011 vol:31 fasc: 2 págs: 187 – 194; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, MARIO FERNANDO MUNOZ VELEZ, KAREN JOHANNA QUINTANA CUELLAR.
16. Manufacturing rigid board by packaging waste containing aluminum and polyethylene; India, Journal Of Scientific &Amp; Industrial Research ISSN: 0022-4456, 2011 vol:70 fasc: 70 págs: 232 – 234; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR.
11. Advances in Science and Technology (2010), Vol. 64, pp 33-42. Tribological Study of Aluminum 390-T6, Gray Cast Iron, and Manganese-Silicon Brass as Metallic Interfaces for Air-Conditioning Compressors in the Presence of CO2, Autores: EMERSON ESCOBAR NUNEZ, ANDREAS A. POLYCARPOU.
10. Yeo, S-M., Escobar, E. N., Polycarpou, A. A., (2010), "Tribological Performances of Polymer- based Coating Materials Designed for Compressor Applications," Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 64, pp 33-42.
9. Escobar, E. N., Demas, N.G., Polychronopoulu, K., Polycarpou, A. A., (2010), “Comparative scuffing performance and chemical analysis of metallic surfaces for air-conditioning compressors in the presence of environmentally friendly CO2” Wear., 268, pp 668-676.
8. Escobar, E. N., Polychronopoulu, K., Polycarpou, A. A., (2010), "Lubricity effect of carbon dioxide used as an environmentally friendly refrigerant in air-conditioning compressors," Wear., 170, pp 46-56.
7. Simulación del comportamiento dinámico de un torno de control numérico en entornos virtuales Colombia, Avances En Sistemas E Informática ISSN: 1657-7663, 2010 vol:7 fasc: 1 págs: 15 – 20; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, FABIO ANDRES ROJAS, JESUS DAVID CARDONA QUIROZ, LUIS JOYANES AGUILAR.
7. Simulación del comportamiento dinámico de un torno de control numérico en entornos virtuales Colombia, Avances En Sistemas E Informática ISSN: 1657-7663, 2010 vol:7 fasc: 1 págs: 15 – 20; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, FABIO ANDRES ROJAS, JESUS DAVID CARDONA QUIROZ, LUIS JOYANES AGUILAR.
5. Katta, R. R., Escobar, E.N., and Polycarpou, A. A., (2008), “Plane Strain Sliding Contact Analysis of Multilayer Thin-films by a Rigid Cylinder using Finite Element Analysis,” Microsystem Technologies Volume 15, No 7/ July, 2009.
4. Escobar, E. N., Yeo, C-D., Katta, R.R., and Polycarpou, A.A., (2008), “Effect of Planarization on the Contact Behavior of Patterned Media”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 44, No. 11, November 2008. ISSN: 0018-9464.
3. Escobar, E. N., Demas, N.G., Polychronopoulu, K., Polycarpou, A. A., (2008), “Tribological Study Comparing PAG and POE Lubricants Used in Air-Conditioning Compressors under the Presence of CO2,” Tribology Transactions, 51: 790-797, 2008. ISSN: 1547-397X (electronic) 1040-2004.
2. Didactic training using a CNC lathe designed in a virtual environment. Colombia, El Hombre Y La Máquina ISSN: 0121-0777, 2008 vol:XX fasc: 31 págs: 154 – 161; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, JESUS DAVID CARDONA QUIROZ, FABIO ARTURO ROJAS MORA
1. Desarrollo de un método de manufactura de injertos de polvo de hueso por moldeo. Colombia, Scientia Et Technica ISSN: 0122-1701, 2007 vol:36 fasc: 36 págs: 573 – 578; Autores: DANNY REINA C, FABIO ARTURO ROJAS MORA, MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, FABIAN ERNESTO OSPINA GONZALEZ.
Libros y Capítulos de libros publicados:
9. Capitulo de libro : Recycled Polypropylene-Coffee Husk and Coir Coconut Biocomposites: Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Environmental Studies
8. Capitulo de libro : Biocomposites from Colombian Sugarcane Bagasse with Polypropylene: Mechanical, Thermal and Viscoelastic Properties
United Kingdom, 2019, Characterizations of Some Composite Materials, ISBN: 978-1-78984-912-7, Intech Open. ; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO, FERNANDO LUNA, JUAN PABLO CORREA
9. Capitulo de libro : Recycled Polypropylene-Coffee Husk and Coir Coconut Biocomposites: Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Environmental Studies
8. Capitulo de libro : Biocomposites from Colombian Sugarcane Bagasse with Polypropylene: Mechanical, Thermal and Viscoelastic Properties
United Kingdom, 2019, Characterizations of Some Composite Materials, ISBN: 978-1-78984-912-7, Intech Open. ; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO, FERNANDO LUNA, JUAN PABLO CORREA
7. Capítulo de libro : Viscoelastic Performance of Biocomposites
United Kingdom, 2016, Composites from Renewable and Sustainable Materials, ISBN: 978-953-51-2794-9, Vol. , págs: 303 - 332, Intech Open. ; Autor: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO
6. Libro: Mecánica, micromecánica y viscoelasticidad del biocomposite polietileno-aluminio-fique
Colombia, 2015, Mecánica, micromecánica y viscoelasticidad del biocomposite polietileno-aluminio-fique, ISBN: 978-958-8713-4-89, págs: 278, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autonoma de Occidente; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO, MARIO FERNADO MUÑOZ, JOSÉ HERMINSUL MINA.
United Kingdom, 2016, Composites from Renewable and Sustainable Materials, ISBN: 978-953-51-2794-9, Vol. , págs: 303 - 332, Intech Open. ; Autor: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO
6. Libro: Mecánica, micromecánica y viscoelasticidad del biocomposite polietileno-aluminio-fique
Colombia, 2015, Mecánica, micromecánica y viscoelasticidad del biocomposite polietileno-aluminio-fique, ISBN: 978-958-8713-4-89, págs: 278, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autonoma de Occidente; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO, MARIO FERNADO MUÑOZ, JOSÉ HERMINSUL MINA.
5. Capítulo de libro : Simulación numérica del comportamiento de tejidos biológicos
Colombia, 2012, El Método De Los Elementos Finitos Y Sus Aplicaciones En Ingeniería, ISBN: 978-958-8713-34-2, Vol. , págs:59 - 102, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autonoma de Occidente; Autores: JOSE JAIME GARCIA ALVAREZ, HELVER MAURICIO BARRERA CARDENAS.
4. Capítulo de libro: Fundamentos del método de elementos finitos en aplicaciones
Colombia, 2012, El Método De Los Elementos Finitos Y Sus Aplicaciones En Ingeniería, ISBN: 978-958-8713-34-2, Vol. , págs:31 - 58, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autonoma de Occidente; Autores: HELVER MAURICIO BARRERA CARDENAS.
3. Capítulo de libro: El método de elementos finitos en problemas de mecánica de contacto
Colombia, 2012, El Método De Los Elementos Finitos Y Sus Aplicaciones En Ingeniería, ISBN: 978-958-8713-34-2, Vol., págs:103 - 118, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autonoma de Occidente; Autores: EMERSON ESCOBAR NUNEZ.
2. Capítulo de libro: Modelo viscoelástico de viga en voladizo del LDPE-Fique
Colombia, 2012, El Método De Los Elementos Finitos Y Sus Aplicaciones En Ingeniería, ISBN: 978-958-8713-34-2, Vol. , págs:199 - 217, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autonoma de Occidente; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, HELVER MAURICIO BARRERA CARDENAS, JOSE HERMINSUL MINA HERNANDEZ.
1. Capítulo de libro: Prototipado, simulación y realidad virtual
Colombia, 2007, Realidad Virtual Y Procesos De Manufactura, ISBN: 978-958-8122-50-2, Vol. 100, págs:11 - 36, Ed. Programa Editorial Universidad Autónoma de Occidente; Autores: MIGUEL ANGEL HIDALGO SALAZAR, JESUS DAVID CARDONA QUIROZ.
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